A postmodern pantheon...

A postmodern pantheon...

Submitted by frlarry on
  In the beginning, there were tribes.
  Very quickly, there evolved super-tribes, which came to be called kingdoms.
  But, kingdoms were too small to defend themselves against powerful kingdoms,...
  ...powerful ancient kingdoms ruled by Chinese, Assyrians, ...

  ...and there emerged Empires.

  ...but, not right away.

For, kingdoms had to first learn how to dominate, then subjugate.
Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks, Persians,...
...prepared the ground for the colossus of Nebuchadnezzar's dream...

And then history saw the empires...

Beginning with Nebuchadnezzar's own,
  the Babylonian Empire...
Then the Persian Empire, ruled by Cyrus...
Then the Greek Empire, ruled by Alexander...
Then the Roman Empire...

...which became so unwieldy it split into East and West...

Both flourished for many hundreds of years, but both died.

First the western Roman Empire, attacked first by Carthage, ...
... and centuries later by Huns...
Rome survived the Huns, but fell to the dogs let loose by the conflict.

Rome of the East, Constantine's great city, and the empire it ruled...
survived another thousand years!

Yet, it, too, fell, after centuries of corruption and decay,
Until, at last, it was put out of its misery by Saracens (around 1500 AD)...
... also known as the Arab Caliphates...
who began gnawing at their heels around 700 AD, ...
inspired by the ambitions of Muhammed and his successors.

Meanwhile, others rose to prominence, elsewhere...
The Chinese Dynasties,...
The Mongols and the Tatars,...
The Japanese Shogunate,...
The Vedic dynasties of India,...
The Incas of South America,...
In sub-Saharan Africa: Saba, Wagadou, Mali, Kanem-Bornu...

Then, after the fall of Rome...
...Caliphates became Islamified...
...In Europe: Carolingia, the Holy Roman Empire...
...the Normans, the Vikings,...

Then, the first nations arose...
Portugal, Spain, the Dutch Republic, France, England...
... then, later,... Germany, Italy, Japan,...
... and many others...

...Late in this period, nations conquered and became empires...

... Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch (also known as Boers), French, British, Ottoman, 
... then German, then Japanese...

... The Unites States of America formed a democratic republic, 
    then caught the bug of empire...

The ambitions of empire ignited world wars.

After the First World War, empires emerged in a soil of ideology, 
...the ultimate excuse for pride of ambition.

First, Russia, then Italy, then Germany, then Japan... Socialism in many guises.

Only the Russian, British, French, Dutch and American empires
   survived the Second World War...
...Curiously, the British, Dutch and French Empires quickly contracted.
The Russian and American empires expanded, but ruled by different schemes.

Now China has emerged with ambitions of empire.
Russian ambitions have reawakened.
Persia (Iran) has reawakened, after a sleep of centuries.... 
    might the Turks, or others follow?

The EU begins to look like the Fourth Reich.
Its poison has infected the already ambitious America, with new schemes...
Globalism.  Open Borders.  Population Control.  Safe Sex.  Death With Dignity.  
   Safety Nets.  
Political Correctness.  

Designer Jeans.  Designer Sex.  Designer Genders.  Designer Families.  
   Designer Universities.  Designer Religions.  Designer Movements.
...The new bread and circuses.

Even the sky is no longer a limit.  Ambition knows no limit.

The Colossi have come back.  (All have feet of clay, yet all see themselves as gods.)
...Billions are caught in their spell.

No one knows whether they can survive their poisons.

Yet, one thing seems certain...
... they are all hell bent on trampling the God-fearing underfoot.

The only antidote in this Zombie Apocalypse is humility.


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