A note on posted dates...

If it appears that some content is dated, that's because it is.  I have had to rebuild this site, due to unrecoverable errors while updating.   Given issues with time background being an important factor, I have decided to move them to a menu at the end of the opening page.  I have edited some to reflect the history and to update links.

Working at cross purposes...

Submitted by frlarry on

When organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center get coopted by pro gay/lesbian life style groups, they both circle the wagons and marginalize groups that do good work on the basis of their not being politically correct. As a result, the good work they themselves do in other areas gets tainted. An example of the new "embattled liberal" mentality can be found on one of their news reports, "A Mighty Army."

How can this be... [Luke 1:26-38]

Submitted by frlarry on

The Blessed Virgin Mary asks the Archangel Gabriel, "How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?" (Personally, I prefer the earlier, more literal translation, "since I have not known man." The new, "modern" version is much more clinical in its phrasing of so delicate and personal a matter.) Those of us who are amateur theologians may note the evident similarity of her bold question to Zechariah's query, "How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years." There is a crucial difference, however, in the purposes of these questions.

The Secularist Rapture

Submitted by frlarry on

An article in the New Oxford Review considers the broad social and technical trends I hinted at in the post below on the "Bleex 1." Entitled, "Bio-Luddites & the Secularist Rapture," the article points to an organization called the "World Transhumanist Association," which promotes extending merely human capabilities with a variety of electronic, mechanical and biological "enhancements." Obviously we're talking about everything from traditional el

Finding Jesus in the Eucharist: Four Ways He Is Present

Submitted by frlarry on

Jimmy Akin has decided to take on Fr. Lawrence E. Mick's perspective on Jesus' presence in the Mass (which can be found in "Finding Jesus in the Eucharist: Four Ways He Is Present." See, also, Catholic Update July, 2005.). Akin's blog entry can currently be found "Christ's Unique Presence In The Eucharist." He cites numerous Magisterial authorities for the understanding one can find in chapter 6 of John's Gospel, the Eucharistic Discourse.

Giving soldiers a high-tech leg up

Submitted by frlarry on

MachineDesign.com has featured an exposition of recent work by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration) on electro-mechanical-hydraulic exoskeletons to aid soldiers in carrying heavy loads over rough terrain. Entitled, "Giving soldiers a high-tech leg up," the article includes a photo of a man equipped with the "Bleex 1," designed at Berkeley Labs. The armed services have been working on mechanical aids to soldiers for decades.


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Individual comments are the property of the contributors.

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and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Church or any of my superiors.